We actively enroll year-round and review all Marygrove EEC applications monthly. Contact us at 313-651-8500 or MarygroveCenter@sfish.org You may also begin the enrollment process now.
The Early Education Center (EEC), established and operated by Starfish, is part of the Marygrove P-20 education model. What is P-20? An all-in-one campus offering a continuum of support for families starting with prenatal partnership and extending to K-12 and pathways beyond. It is also called Cradle-to-Career. Learn more about P-20 at the official Marygrove Conservancy P-20 site. P-20 is located on the beautiful 53-acre Marygrove Conservancy campus in Northwest Detroit, situated in the Livernois-McNichols community. Click for area map.
Why is P-20 so revolutionary?

P-20 is transforming the educational landscape in Detroit. Grounded in social justice, equitable opportunity, and commitment to community, the P-20 model honors the 90+ year legacy of Marygrove College by elevating it to a new standard of exceptional. By providing access to high-quality education and holistic support services, students and families are empowered to define their own futures and that of their own neighborhoods.
What is the Starfish role?
Based on our nearly 60 years of leadership in early childhood development, Starfish was chosen to establish and operate an exemplary Marygrove Early Education Center (EEC) that sets the foundation for the opportunities on the P-20 campus. Together with the P-20 partners, Starfish will implement and test new best practices that can be replicated regionally and nationally.
Starfish Marygrove EEC Innovations

A new benchmark for education
- Starfish and leading University of Michigan education scholars created a full-day culturally responsive curriculum specifically for the Marygrove Early Education Center, focusing on equity, STEM, and social studies. See “Frequently Asked Questions” for more details.
Whole child focus
- Integrated behavioral & developmental health services
- Informed culture of trauma care
Whole family focus
- Parenting classes, prenatal support, childcare
- Parent leadership opportunities
A pioneering program for educators
- Our ancillary teaching school will build a talent pool of exceptional urban early childhood educators.
Take a virtual tour
Designed by Marlon Blackwell Architects, the Marygrove Early Education Center was informed by community neighbors, parents, and children, along with best practices in behavioral health and early childhood education.
The Marygrove EEC space is:
- Welcoming, Peaceful, Inspired
- Friendly, Playful, Open
- Mindful, Holistic, Healthy
Frequently Asked Questions
What ages are enrolled at the Marygrove Early Childhood Center?
We have multiple openings for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers from 6 weeks through age 4.
When did the Marygrove EEC open?
Our first day of school started on Tuesday, September 7, 2021.
Is it possible to tour the Marygrove EEC?
Tours will be offered, but only as pandemic health data allows. All tours must be prearranged with Starfish.
Will only children in the Marygrove neighborhood attend?
Not necessarily. Priority will be given, however, to families who reside in a 1- to 2-mile “catchment” area surrounding Marygrove.
- These priority areas are the same as The School at Marygrove’s catchment areas.
- Families living elsewhere are invited to apply, but will not receive the neighborhood enrollment priority.
What are the boundaries of the neighborhood priority area?
- These priority areas are the same as The School at Marygrove’s catchment areas.
- The primary area is bound by Seven Mile to the north, Parkside St. to the east, Fenkell St. to the south, and Appoline St. to the west.
- The secondary area is bound by Eight Mile to the north, Schoolcraft St. to the south, and Marlowe St. to the west. Please refer to the catchment area map for the eastern boundary.
Does the Marygrove EEC reflect a diverse community of employees, families, and students?
- Yes! All of the valued Marygrove campus partners, including Starfish Family Services, are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Our student enrollment priority criteria ensure a diverse student community within a diverse Marygrove campus community.
- Our curriculum is based on social justice and was crafted to uplift a diverse spectrum of little learners in an urban setting.
- Our staffing plan focuses on recruiting the most passionate and talented employees and educators who represent the families we serve.
Is there a deadline for Marygrove EEC enrollment?
- Applications are accepted year-round and are reviewed on a monthly basis.
- If your child is not enrolled during the monthly application review, families may choose to join the waitlist.
- Applications on the waitlist will be considered in subsequent monthly reviews based on when the application was first submitted, along with the enrollment priorities. (See also “Applying & Enrolling”)
How much does it cost to attend the Marygrove EEC?
- Our center is unique in that it reflects a “braided model” of enrollment.
- This means that some students may be eligible for federal- or state-funded support (Early Head Start, Head Start, Great Start Readiness Program) and others pay private tuition.
- 2022-2023 tuition rates:
- Infants and toddlers – $325 per week
- Preschoolers – $275 per week
- Extended care fee – $50.00 per week
- Scholarships or other types of subsidy assistance may be available.
- Starfish Family Services will work with families who may need resources to help offset tuition costs.
Does the Marygrove EEC impact existing early childhood providers in the neighborhood?
- Studies have shown a very real need for more early childhood seats. According to IFF, 27,000 children in Detroit lack access to early childhood education.
- We are excited to help serve the neighborhoods by helping fill this gap and are eager to work with providers in the area to ensure every child has an equal opportunity to the best education possible.
Applying & Enrollment
How do I apply? What documents do I need?
The first step of the enrollment process is filling out our online pre-registration form. Once submitted, you will be contacted by a friendly Starfish Family Service Guide, who will help you to complete the enrollment process. This includes providing a list of required documents and deadlines. For example, documents reflecting proof of income are needed for families to be eligible for federal- or state-funded support, or possible scholarships or other subsidy assistance.
How are enrollment decisions made? What are the factors involved in decision-making?
Starfish bases decisions on enrollment priority points, along with the availability of seats within each funding source for each age group.
- Starfish reviews each application using a rubric (a set of guidelines) that includes a consistent set of enrollment priority criteria.
- Starfish uses the rubric to assign each applicant a certain set of “enrollment priority points,” such as:
- Whether your family lives in the primary or secondary priority areas
- Whether your child has a sibling already enrolled at the Marygove EEC or The School at Marygrove.
- Head Start-applicable priorities, such as whether your child has been diagnosed with disabilities, chronic health conditions, etc.
- Family economic needs, such as whether the parent(s) or caregiver(s) are employed, and the number of parents in the household, etc.
- Starfish also has a predetermined number of seats designated for children eligible for federal funding (Head Start and Early Head Start), state funding (Great Start Readiness Program), and private-pay tuition.
How often are enrollment decisions made?
- Enrollment decisions are made at the end of each month.
- You will be notified during the last week of each month if your child is enrolled.
- If your child is not enrolled, you will have the option to join the waitlist for the next month’s enrollment cycle.
- Applicants will be considered based on when your family’s application was submitted, along with the enrollment priorities.
What are some reasons why my child is not enrolled in a particular cycle?
- Your child may not have been enrolled during a particular cycle if other applications earned higher enrollment priority points. For example, more families may have applied from the primary catchment area. The Starfish team is happy to discuss enrollment priority points with you further.
- Your child may not have been selected during a particular cycle if the seats for your child’s particular age group have already been filled. Families may choose to join the waitlist and be notified as seats for your child’s age group become available in the future.
Is the fact that we are not a tuition-paying family one of the reasons my child is not selected?
- No! Most seats at the center are not designated for tuition-paying families.
- 96 out of the total 144 seats (67%) are designated for federally- or state-funded seats, including Head Start, Early Head Start, and Great Start Readiness Program. Income-eligible families will automatically be considered for those available seats.
Do children of staff receive enrollment priority?
No. Starfish does not give enrollment priority to children of staff at Starfish or its partners in the Marygrove P-20 Project, including The School at Marygrove, the University of Michigan, and the Marygrove Conservancy.
If my child is accepted, what documents will I need to submit, and by when to hold my child’s place?
You will work with your Starfish Family Service Guide, our Assistant Principal, and our School Administrative Assistant to complete all the required forms and any applicable registration fees.
Tuition & Fees
How much does it cost to attend the Marygrove EEC?
- Our center is unique in that it reflects a “braided model” of enrollment.
- This means that some students may be eligible for federal- or state-funded support (Early Head Start, Head Start, Great Start Readiness Program) and others pay private tuition.
- 2022-2023 tuition rates:
- Infants and toddlers $325 per week
- Preschoolers $275 per week
- Extended care fee $50.00 per week
Is there a registration fee?
- Yes. There is an annual registration fee, which secures your child’s space for the following school year.
- 2022-2023 registration fee:
- $200 per student
- Some families may be eligible for a waiver.
Is there a tuition discount if my family has more than one child who wants to attend?
No. There is no tuition discount if more than one child in a family attends.
Are there scholarships or other types of assistance?
Scholarships or other types of subsidy assistance may be available. Starfish Family Services will work with families who may need resources to help offset tuition costs.
Kindergarten & Beyond
Will my child, if enrolled at the Marygrove Early Education Center, be guaranteed a place in The School at Marygrove’s kindergarten class?
- Yes! If your child stays at the Starfish Early Education Center until they enter kindergarten AND they are residents of the city of Detroit, they will be guaranteed a place in The School at Marygrove’s kindergarten class.
- Additional seats will be available at The School at Marygrove for students who did not attend the Starfish Early Education Center or who are not residents of Detroit.
When will The School at Marygrove’s elementary program begin?
The School at Marygrove’s elementary program will open in the fall of 2022, beginning with K-2 grades and expanding to one grade each year.
Program & Curriculum
How many classrooms does the Marygrove EEC have?
12 classrooms with no more than 8 children in infant/toddler classrooms and 16 in preschool classrooms.
During what hours is the Marygrove EEC open?
School is in session Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with extended day programming offered daily from 3:30-6:00 pm.
What’s the overall approach for early childhood learning?
- We believe academic and social success is achieved through a whole-child focus. This means offering high-quality early childhood education and addressing behavioral health needs.
- The Marygrove Early Education Center will provide comprehensive early childhood programming that connects families with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers to the services they need to flourish.
Can you tell prospective parents more about the curriculum?
Great First Eight (for infants and toddlers) and Connect4Learning (for preschoolers) are brand-new, high-quality curricula customized specifically for EEC little learners.
- Developed in collaboration with nationally recognized University of Michigan education scholars
- Culturally responsive and aligned to the latest research and standards
- Priority is placed on diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Aligned to national standards in science, social studies, mathematics, literacy, social and emotional learning, and social justice
- STEM & social studies emphasis
- Focus on interactive, hands-on learning and individual creativity
- Crafted for a seamless transition as children graduate from preschool to K-12 on the same campus.
How does the curriculum adapt for diverse learners?
Starfish supports each child’s individual development to reach their highest potential. We encourage little learners with individualized lesson plans that are responsive to each child’s interests, strengths, and needs.
Who is training the instructors in the early childhood program?
- The developers of the Great First Eight and Connect4Learning curriculums will support our early childhood teaching teams.
- In addition, Starfish’s Early Childhood Specialists are trained in both curriculums and provide classroom support for teachers to implement the curriculum.
What are the requirements or credentials necessary for Marygrove EEC teachers?
- We require that teachers hold a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education (or equivalent degree program) with a minimum of two years of experience working in an early childhood classroom.
- It takes far more than a degree, however, for the right person to flourish at Marygrove. They need passion, purpose, and potential.
- Educators who are dedicated to celebrating diversity and equity in the classroom.
- Educators who are fearless about jumping into a pioneering environment that is very high profile.
- Educators who are committed to radically redefining education for young children.
- Educators who are committed to partnering with families to successfully support their little learners.
Is the University of Michigan’s School of Education (SOE) going to be involved in ongoing professional development and training?
The University of Michigan SOE, the Detroit Public Schools Community District, Marygrove Conservancy, and Starfish Family Services will engage in shared professional development that supports the campus and its mission.